Sunday, August 9, 2009

why drink MILK?

Milk is packed with nine essential nutrients important for your health. In fact, without milk in your diet, it's difficult to get the right amounts of the nutrients you need. Numerous studies have shown that milk drinkers have healthier diets compared to non-milk drinkers. Here's the powerful payback you get in every glass.

Milk is one of the "food groups to encourage" in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which recommend 3 cups of lowfat or fat free milk a day for everyone over the age of nine. And drinking 3 glasses of lowfat or fat free milk each day, eating right and exercising could benefit your health, no matter how old you are.

No doubt, milk drinkers have a bone health advantage. No other beverage offers the array of bone-building nutrients, including calcium, vitamin D, protein and phosphorus, and has hundreds of studies supporting its link to strong bones.

Here they are the celebs who love to drink milk :

Ryan Sheckler


The All-American Rejects
Miley Cyrus

Taylor Swift
and many more.....

So what are you waiting for?
Got a Milk Now!